Friday, May 6, 2011

God, in all things...Finished's the finished piece...i'm really pleased with it. :)

I did put a wash on the snail, and it's subtle, but looks really good with the rest being black and white. 

I also tried scanning the piece for this post, rather than taking a photo like i usually do.  I really like that the whites are whiter.


  1. Cindy...the title of your blog resonates with me in a HUGE way; I'm glad I found you in cyberspace. I've just returned from a trip to Italy & bought a book there (all in Italian, which I can't read!) by the artist, Donato Di Zio; what attracted me was all his work is in black and white stipples, and other repeated shapes. I fell in love with it immediately. Hopefully, I'll soon get some of my artwork up on my blog; thanks for your inspiration.

  2. Oh. I just came across this post from iHanna. I love your dotty picture. It reminds me that once, many years ago, I made a dotty picture which I loved but it was destroyed by a careless spill of photographic chemicals :(
    I am re-inspired (which seems to be the flavour of my May).

  3. Hi Monica...
    I am glad to see that the title of my blog resonates with SOMEONE out there. :) I'm also happy that you found me...sometimes i feel like my blog has been swept into a dusty corner!
    I was able to google DiZio and see a couple of his pieces...i even saw him on YouTube!
    I look forward to seeing your artwork on your blog.

  4. Diane...Thank you so much for the compliment! And yes, isn't May an inspiring month? So much growth, budding, newness...much appreciated after the long winters of northern Michigan! :)
