Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Glass Snail

Interesting....i always assumed it would be rather difficult to get a blog up and running...but not these days!  This has been relatively easy.
The fact that i'm even here is due, in large part, to Niall Young and his blog 'Dancing for Beginners', and to Christine Farmer, who told me about Niall's blog and suggested that i start my own.  After spending time on Niall's blog i decided that i, too, wanted a place to share my thoughts and artwork with other artists and people in general.  So, thanks to you both.

I always seem to be going in new directions with my artwork. About a month ago i started thinking of ways to use my super fine point Rapidograph pen.  For awhile i've been using the .13mm pen for micrography (tiny writing in art)  - more on that in a future post - and when i found examples of stippling, or as some people call it, hyperpointillism, i knew that was a direction for me!

I don't find the .13mm Rapidograph to be very good at 'drawing', but it is perfect for making dots!!  This is the first piece i've made using this technique...the original is about 3.5" x 5".  The image is of the glass snail that my husband gave me for Valentine's Day...it now sits on the windowsill above the kitchen sink where the light plays with the blue glass beautifully.

While working on this piece i was struck by, and fell in love with, the meditative quality of the process!  And yes, it's slow going...but of course, i like that.  It didn't occur to me until i finished that the process and the image speak of the same thing.  Made me smile.


  1. Hello Cyn! Great to see that you've got a blog up and running - I'll be following your progress with great interest. I really like your glass snail, it's very delicately done, and I can certainly relate to the "meditative quality of the process." Are you going to continue with the .13mm for future work?

    Best wishes, Christine.

  2. Hi Christine...thanks for the positive comments! I definitely plan to continue stippling with the .13mm, and i'm interested in seeing how it works in combination with larger dot sizes...i have the .18mm, .25, and .35 sizes.
    I'm also wanting to try areas of watercolor within a piece. The Rapidograph ink (they say it's waterproof) does smear, at least on illustration board. I've just done an experiment on hot-pressed watercolor paper and that seemed to work better. There's also the option of an extra fine nib, dip pen with india ink. Lots of playing around to do!

  3. Definitely worth playing around with all sorts of ideas. At the moment I'm working with a Gillott 404 and Windsor & Newton Liquid Indian Ink (this type is made without shellac - finding that easier to work with).

  4. Interesting that you got your dip pen going! Just this morning i got mine out, and my sumi ink. I haven't had time to try them out...but my fear about using dip pen nibs is that the ink will 'blob' out at some point and ruin the piece. Is the 404 like a crow quill? Does it hold a lot of ink?

  5. I love it...your Glass Snail is lovely. It's fascinating isn't it to see it develop and I love the spread of the dots when you inspect it closely which is almost as satisfying than the image when see from a distance.

    I'm touched and not a little pleaed that Christine and I have managed to inspire you to create a blog. My life has changed immensly since i started mine !!

  6. Thanks for visiting my blog, Niall! And it makes me happy that you like my snail. :) Yeah...i'm really getting into this whole blog scene! I could say that i wish i had started one earlier, but things happen when they're meant to, the way i see it.

  7. I love the snail!! Maybe he should be your mascot on your blog header. Congrats on the new blog. Makes me want to get back to blogging. Can't wait to see what's next!
